Friday, 18 December 2009
Monday, 7 December 2009
More approvals to warm the cockles this winter.....
Here at Dot. we are trying our very best to ensure all of our clients have a more positive outlook for the forth-coming new decade and with the threat of Christmas looming large, we were pleased to learn that we have gained yet more approvals in Bournemouth and Christchurch. This now takes our approvals to 30 units since November, thus bucking the recent trend and demonstrating that with our hands on approach to planning there are plenty of opportunities out there. Look out for our boards coming to plots near you soon.
Leaf update: Following on from our recent post, we were amazed to hear that the Leaf Christmas ball made over 20 grand. So maybe in the spirit of the evening that Tottenham shirt wasn't too excessive after all....... We will keep you posted on all Leaf charity events coming soon and rest assured all those still reeling at not being involved due to such a high demand, we will endeavour to get another Dot. table, so keep your fingers crossed........
Posted by Design on Toast at 06:02 0 comments
Tuesday, 1 December 2009
We had a BALL at the Leaf charity ball!

Posted by Design on Toast at 08:12 1 comments
Friday, 20 November 2009
The perfect end to a good couple of weeks......
And the good time just keep coming.... Last night we gained yet more success, this time in Salisbury on a long running application for five cottages. The brief was to design the properties so that the end result would look as if they have been there forever.
The roller coaster that is the Planning Committee took their time in delivering the verdict, but deliver they did. The end result, as seen above, was a terrace of red brick and render with knapped flint detailing. To the rear there are bi-fold doors from a wholly open plan ground floor, leading on to ample sized gardens.
Here at Dot. we were especially pleased to hear of the planning committees complimentary comments not only on the design, but also the way the application was presented.
Lastly, we would like to thank Ken Parke, of Ken Parke planning, who joined the application at a late stage steering us through an awful lot of red tape to ensure a positive result for our client.
Posted by Design on Toast at 06:10 0 comments
Thursday, 19 November 2009
Whats that? Oh, just another approval!

Posted by Design on Toast at 04:15 0 comments
Wednesday, 18 November 2009
Bournemouth defer social housing policy..... Maybe!
Although there has been no official press release as of yet, rumours of the social housing policy being deferred until at least Spring are starting to filter out of the town hall. Whether this is a reaction to the staggering amount of applications Bournemouth Planning have received leading up to the deadline, or just that the amount of additional work would swamp the newly stream lined department, no one knows. But as it stands at the moment, the new policy of one for one and 40% is not going any where.
This now means that we all have an extra couple of months to get applications in, or we run the risk of being the guinea pigs on which the newly equated contributions scale will be based.
Please fell free to get in touch and we will endeavour to advise as to your next steps on any of your sites in Bournemouth. It may not be as bad as you think.
Posted by Design on Toast at 01:30 0 comments
Tuesday, 20 October 2009
Bournemouth change in policy has us all on the canvas!!!
We are not easily surprised here at Dot. Towers, but Bournemouth Borough Council have knocked us for six with their latest press release.
Posted by Design on Toast at 08:52 0 comments
Thursday, 20 August 2009
Dot. at the Bournemouth Air Festival 2009
Its that time of year again and Dot. are off to the Bournemouth Air Festival for four days of aeriel fun and frolics....
Check out to keep up to date with the comings and goings of the event, with a full itinerary and constant news over the weekend.
"The More Bus Bournemouth Air Festival is shaping up to be bigger and better than 2008. With more aircraft, more on the ground attractions and more awesome ‘Night Air’ evening entertainment it promises to be a must-see 4-days of breath-taking aviation action!Watch out for an incredible line-up of civilian aircraft including: the world’s only formation wing walking team - Team Guinot, Yakovlevs Aerobatic Team, The Blades Aerobatic Display Team, The Matadors, Spitfire, Mustang, Sally-B, Battle of Britain Memorial Flight, Eurofighter Typhoon and three displays by the Red Arrows."
Rest assured, normal service will be resumed next week with the publication of our feature advert in Bournemouth's Homes magazine.
Dot produced images to follow..........
Posted by Design on Toast at 06:42 0 comments
Wednesday, 12 August 2009
The life cycle of a dot. logo!

Posted by Design on Toast at 02:32 1 comments
Friday, 7 August 2009
Design, Design, Design!

Posted by Design on Toast at 06:45 0 comments
Wednesday, 22 July 2009
Dot.Graphics move forward!!

Posted by Design on Toast at 02:54 0 comments
Wednesday, 17 June 2009
Whoah, Whoah Whoah, Wheres the beef?
Okay, it’s been brought to our attention that one of our competitors is grossly mistaken about the way dot. do business, and as such, we feel it’s important to put the record straight. Dot. have always worked professionally and we’ll continue to, so we’re not getting into a mud-slinging match here. In fact we’re sure that ‘A Regional Architects’ have simply got their wires crossed, and as such, will be contacting us soon to apologise for their schoolboy error!
Anyway, just to be clear; we love what we do, we give all our design work 100% and we have NEVER and will NEVER be about ‘copy and paste’ design. Whether you require a fantastic little logo, or a polished 300-unit architectural scheme, we give each job the same attention to detail and always offer a bespoke solution, tailored to our clients’ needs. Just ask them – our customers tell us they’re really happy, and that’s at a time when good service and real value for money is all that counts.
What some people forget is that dot. are a new company. Our business model and values are based on excellent service, top notch design, and ‘going the extra mile’. We’re passionate about what we do and we’re very aware that we wouldn’t be around if we offered a substandard service, something that’s maybe easier to get away with in a larger firm.
We are laying tracks for a company that we hope will grow and, to that end, we promise to maintain these values, whether we’re two people or two hundred. We will never forget why we are doing this, to be able to give 100% to each job, offering clients advice on the thing we’re passionate about – design! We are fully covered for all our design work with more than adequate PI insurance in the unlikely event that anything does go wrong, and should anyone want to discuss this, feel free to drop us a line!
Both directors are driven by our love for what we do. We feel like the luckiest guys in the world; waking up and being paid to do this, so rest assured we’re not going to risk it to make a quick buck, it’s not in our nature!
We assume that this will be the last of what we have heard, but if you have any issues, comments or just feel like a chat, feel free to contact either Darren or James.
Okay, enough of that, James is off to tend to his newborn, and Darren fancies a surf – it is 5.30 after all!
Posted by Design on Toast at 09:18 0 comments
Saturday, 13 June 2009
Its been too long!
Okay, so first off, apologies! We haven't updated our blog in a while, and we are really sorry for that, however, the silver lining to that is that we are now in a position to offer you tonnes of juicy gos from the dot. camp!
First on the list is the all important and very exciting birth of Lola Whitney. As many of you know, James has been on tenterhooks as the birth has got nearer and nearer, and you will all be pleased to hear that little Lola was born on Tuesday the 9th June and came in at a very cute 7 pounds 1 ounce. Family are all doing well, and all the dot team wish them all the best - another member to the growing dot family!
Now to work stuffs - we have had a raft of instructions, the most recent being a very cool illustration from the department for the BBC magazine, FOCUS.
We cant show you the Illustration as yet, don't want to give the game away for next months issue, but make sure you check it out, on sale at the end of the month! The dot. team are really proud of the final article, and chuffed to bits that we could do a professional and exciting job for a client as large as the BBC - payoff for the hard work we have put in during this pesky credit crunch.That's not all from the graphics guys, we have seen an increase in the number of instructions for websites. With the market as it is, businesses have started to appreciate the importance of a decent website and marketing strategy, and as such, dot. have been awash with exciting re brand work.
We are currently waiting for the final touches being made to the Churchfields Ice Cream site, of which we will be sure to let you know. has now gone live, so well done boys. Thanks to Sean at Brighter productions, a great client who brought so many ideas to the table that it made our job very easy, and a pleasure to work on. Good luck in the future!
Our website work is fairly bespoke, and as such we work alongside Jellyphish Studio, who's clever computer bods build our designs into usable and exciting sites - a relationship we see growing as days go by, thanks guys! We are currently working up a re brand with Jellyphish, so we will keep you posted to when that is ready to go live.
Sorry for the delay in getting a post up guys, we don't want to leave you hanging like that, but we suppose its the only real negative to what has been a fruitful few months for dot. We will be posting again soon some of our most recent Architectural work, so keep an eye for that in the next week or so!
All the best
Posted by Design on Toast at 01:21 0 comments
Tuesday, 7 April 2009
Dot. Apologies......
Apologies for our recent lack of posts , March was one of our busiest months to date, and now April is looking to follow suit with new architectural instructions in Surrey, Bristol, Stockton-on-Tees and a little closer to home, Bournemouth and Poole in Dorset.
Meanwhile, Dot. Graphics is gathering momentum with the imminent completion of websites and graphics packages for clients: Churchfields Farmhouse in Worcester and Brighter Production from Bournemouth.
Here is just a sneaky peaky from the Churchfields brief, which was to design a contemporary website for the Ice Cream company with a quirky undertone to appeal to the companies new targeted demographic. We continue to be pleased with the outcome using a simple colour pallet combined with a visually striking logo and imagery.
We will keep you posted on all things "Churchfields"..... Including, will we or won't we get any more free samples?????
Posted by Design on Toast at 04:29 0 comments
Wednesday, 18 March 2009
Dot. gains more success in Christchurch...
Dot. has gained more success in River Way, Christchurch, Dorset, with the recent approval of a large two storey residential extension. Dot. along with the rest of the world are finding that most people have stopped their game of property musical chairs, are staying put and with a little tinkering, making do! This proposal introduces more cohesion to a site that over the years has been adapted and added too with varying degrees of success. This all comes off the back of receiving new instructions in Bournemouth, Poole and Ferndown in Dorset.
Do we dare think that the worst of the recession is now behind us?
If the news is to be believed..... Probably not!
Posted by Design on Toast at 06:33 0 comments
Tuesday, 10 March 2009
Dot. at Ecobuild
Dots continued search for all things new lead us to Ecobuild, Earls Court, London. Ecobuild is the world's biggest event dedicated to sustainable design, construction and the built environment. Now in its fifth year, and with 800 exhibitors, Ecobuild presents the biggest and best showcase of sustainable construction products anywhere.
Always wanting to stay up to date on all products that will benefit our clients, Dot took to the road for the London architecture tour part II and trawled through the countless stands (and as of this post, still having not won the count how many balls there were in the jar competition) in the search for tomorrows technology. The hope being that this information will aid in meeting most of the Governments optimistic targets.
Above, one of Dots favorites: A chance to experience off-grid living with the debut of Zedfactory’s LandARK. Initially launched as a sustainable holiday home, the LandARK is also being proposed as a self-sufficient solution for affordable housing and office space. Electricity and energy for cooking and heating is supplied by solar panels and a wood-fired stove, whilst a composting toilet and green roof take care of drainage and waste water.
And finally... Even though it's an architectural cliche, we never tire of looking at Norman Foster's London skyscraper at 30 St Mary Axe, more commonly known as the Gherkin.
Posted by Design on Toast at 05:34 0 comments
Thursday, 5 March 2009

Posted by Design on Toast at 07:30 0 comments