Tuesday, 10 March 2009

Dot. at Ecobuild

Dots continued search for all things new lead us to Ecobuild, Earls Court, London. Ecobuild is the world's biggest event dedicated to sustainable design, construction and the built environment. Now in its fifth year, and with 800 exhibitors, Ecobuild presents the biggest and best showcase of sustainable construction products anywhere.

Always wanting to stay up to date on all products that will benefit our clients, Dot took to the road for the London architecture tour part II and trawled through the countless stands (and as of this post, still having not won the count how many balls there were in the jar competition) in the search for tomorrows technology. The hope being that this information will aid in meeting most of the Governments optimistic targets.

Above, one of Dots favorites: A chance to experience off-grid living with the debut of Zedfactory’s LandARK. Initially launched as a sustainable holiday home, the LandARK is also being proposed as a self-sufficient solution for affordable housing and office space. Electricity and energy for cooking and heating is supplied by solar panels and a wood-fired stove, whilst a composting toilet and green roof take care of drainage and waste water.

And finally... Even though it's an architectural cliche, we never tire of looking at
Norman Foster's London skyscraper at 30 St Mary Axe, more commonly known as the Gherkin.


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