dot.tour 2009 - a success!!

Posted by Design on Toast at 01:58 1 comments
Dot. continue to increase its market share and are on the up in the Google rankings! We are by no means at the top just yet, but we would like to thank all those who have visited our site and this blog, it all contributes to our progress. Your support will always be appreciated by Dot.....
Posted by Design on Toast at 07:40 0 comments
Dot invest a lot of time and effort into keeping on top of any movement in our design fields of Graphics, Interiors and Architecture. Dot.Eco is our continued support for the need for more sustainable energy solutions within the design industry. We have focused a huge amount of energy in being sure that we can offer our clients everything from simple advice to full blown Eco solutions for all our design jobs. We have met with some very informative people in the Eco scene and can now offer our findings onto our clients, new and old! Global warming is very much at the top of the governments agenda, and we want to be sure that we can offer a fully informed and design led opinion on all our projects, helping to create Eco friendly solutions for all!
Posted by Design on Toast at 02:51 0 comments
Posted by Design on Toast at 01:58 2 comments
We got it! Finally, our lovely scheme in Oak Avenue in Christchurch has been approved. The architectural style of Chalet Bungalow was raved about by the commitee of Christchurch Borough Council. Our original proposal was refused by the commitee for....well, we couldnt work that one out, and neither could they, but they refused it anyway. So we came back and with close work with the planning dept we ended up with this really spacious and green scheme.
Posted by Design on Toast at 12:26 0 comments
Dot. want to throw a shout out to the newly formed Studio 4 Photography. Bristol based Studio 4 are headed up by Steve Sayers and specialise in product/location phoography, their portfolio includes working for BBC magazines and soon to be updating Dots. built architectural works portfolio. Check them out at . Good luck guys.
Posted by Design on Toast at 00:45 0 comments
As we are in the middle of a recession Dot. continue to receive instructions from firms looking to update their brand and increase their marketing presence.
Posted by Design on Toast at 03:55 0 comments
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