Fridays Child - IMAX Proposal.
Our evermore popular 'Creative Fridays' are starting to produce the sort of free thinking we originally hoped. Every Friday afternoon, phones are off, emails are forgotten and the Dot. team are left to work on concept briefs. Our favourite design ideas are put to paper, and the afternoon is very much about expressing ourselves through rather less constrained design briefs, this is our blank canvas! The idea is so we can keep our fingers on the pulse with all things new within the design field.
This week, we set the not too daunting task of redeveloping the IMAX site in Bournemouth.

Our only stipulation was that it could NOT be a full demolition. After much research and plenty of Tea and biscuits, we decided to do away with the cinema portion of the property, which makes up the bulk of the property, and constructing a open air art gallery and roof terrace to the commercial properties beneath. The whole idea is to give back the residents of Bournemouth their beloved sea views off Bath Road and link the award winning Bournemouth gardens with the amazing sea front.

The proposal was worked up in a rather exciting and enjoyable afternoon, and was packaged and sent to all councillors involved at Bournemouth Borough Council, and we would like to thank all those who responded so positively to what we put together, it's refreshing to hear that they are trying all they can to amend what has become a huge Architectural and social cock up! We look forward to taking it further in the future.
Here's to more 'Creative Fridays!'
Hell yes.. I like the look of the tiered gardens. And I love the idea of Fridays Child. Looking forward to some more!
Could we keep Jacks? Its kind of underground and out the way.
@ Love Cider
Yeah the underground would be kept, whether the owners would be happy to keep it as a Jumping Jacks I am not sure!! FYI had a chat with two councillors and the Owners of site, and all liked what we had put together - fingers crossed to the future of the IMAX!
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