Art Fund that Friday feeling!!
These are the images for Dots proposal for a temporary art pavillion as part of a recent design competition. The competition, set by and
the brief was to design a temporary structure, that would take 72hrs to construct, and 24hrs to take down, while having the space to work in a variety of scenarios, the whole area couldnt exceed 35 sq.m.

We came up with the proposal for 'The Barcode' This gives the pavilion a clear identity, a barcode is a generic code for everyday objects - often overlooked for their simple ability to hold so much information. The whole structure is broken into varying sized tunnels, giving an elevational look of the barcode. The finish of Black Trespa panels with a bright white interior gives an exciting contrast between outside and inside.

We are very pleased with the finished article, and it is another Fridays Child that has got our creative minds working over time again. Submitted on Monday, there were over 200 applicants, so competition was tough, but you never know0 keep your fingers crossed for us!!!
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